1 6G Vision P1 2 Driving Forces of 6G Development P3 3 Candidate Use Cases of 6G P7 4 Candidate 6G Technologies P16 5 Thoughts on 6G Development P30 Acronyms and Abbreviations P33 References P35 Major Contributors P36 The IMT-2030 (6G) Promotion Group was established in June 2019 by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China. The organizational structure is based on the original IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group. The members include major Chinese operators, vendors, universities and research institutions. The promotion group is the main platform for gathering China's industry-university-research forces, promoting China's sixthgeneration mobile communication technology research and developing international views exchanges and cooperation. 2 1 6G Vision Following the scaled commercial rollout needs of high-quality economic and social of 5G networks, the global industry has begun development, serve smart production and life, researching and exploring the next-generation and promote the construction of an inclusive mobile communications technologies — 6G. and intelligent human society. In 2030 and beyond, society will enter an era Fueled by breakthroughs in mathematics, of intelligence. Balanced, high-quality social physics, materials, biotechnology, and other services, scientific, precise social governance, fields, 6G will integrate with information and green, energy-saving social development technologies, such as advanced computing, will become the trend of society in the big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and future. From mobile internet, to the internet blockchain. This integration will further of everything, and then to the intelligent accelerate the fusion of communications with connection of all things, 6G will realize the sensing, computing, and control, solidifying 6G transition from serving people, people and as the foundation of our daily lives, industrial things to supporting the efficient connection production, and green development. 6G will of intelligent agents. Through the intelligent also maximize the potential of low-, medium-, interconnection of people, machines and things, and high-band spectrums to achieve seamless and collaborative integration, it will meet the global coverage, meeting the requirements Figure 1 Overall vision of 6G 1 2 for unlimited secure and reliable connections the basis of greatly improving network among people, machines, and things anytime, capabilities, 6G will incorporate a plethora of anywhere. new capabilities, including native intelligence, 6G will provide fully immersive interaction communication for sensing, digital twins, and scenarios and support precise spatial interaction to native security. 6G will enable efficient and meet the requirements for multiple senses, feeling, intelligent interconnection between people, and mind communications. Communication for people and things, and things in the physical sensing and inclusive intelligence will not only world to build real-time, reliable, integrated, and improve communications, but also supercharge the ubiquitous virtual worlds that accurately reflect digitalization and intelligence of physical objects, and predicts the real state of the physical world greatly enhancing the quality of information and in real time, helping mankind advance to a new communication services. era where people, machines, and things are 6G will build innovative networks fully connected and the virtual and real worlds with both ubiquitous connections among are deeply integrated. This will be essential to people, machines, and things and efficient ultimately realize the vision of an “intelligent interconnection of intelligent agents. On connection of everything, digital twin” society. 2 Driving Forces of 6G Development Realizing inclusive, personalized, and groups, and comprehensively improve people's high-quality social services and precise well-being. By 2030, the number of people in governance by 2030 will require 6G to enable the middle class will increase from nearly 1.8 ubiquitous coverage and integrate the physical billion in 2009 to 5 billion globally [1]. The world with the virtual world. Technological expansion of the middle class will accelerate breakthroughs and transformative production the adoption of high-quality smart services. will require 6G to empower collaboration Applications such as holographic v

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