1 AuthorizedRelease ChinaMobile Phone Market Report June, 2016 Published by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology July, 2016 2 Part 1. Overall Mobile Phone Market in China June domestic mobile phone shipmentsreached 44.6 million units, up16.9percent year over year. 138 new models were released in the month, up 16.9 percent year over year. YTD domestic mobile phone shipments reached 253.6 million units and YTD number of new model release reached763, up 7.1 percent and down 1.9percent year over year, respectively. Chart 1: Domestic mobile phone shipmentsfrom June 2015 to June2016 Part 2.Development of 4G Mobile Phones June domestic 4G mobile phone shipments were 41.7 million units, up 28.3percent year over year, and represented 93.6 percent of the total shipments. 122new 4G models were released in the month, up 35.6 percent year over year, accounting for 88.4percent of the total new models this month. YTD domestic 4G mobile phone shipments were 233.2 million units, up 19.8 percent year over year, and represented 92.0 percent of the total shipments. YTD number of new model release reached 649, up17.6 percent year over year, accounting for 85.1 percent of the total new model release. 3845474237535649224543504511.1%10.8%11.3%11.3%10.9%11.2%8.9%9.4%7.3%8.7%6.1%5.5%5.7% 3.6%2.3%2.7%1.9%1.5%1.7%2.0%1.4%1.0%1.4%0.7%0.4%0.6%85.3%86.9%85.9%86.8%87.7%87.1%89.0%89.2%91.6%90.0%93.2%94.1%93.6% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% 0102030405060 Shipments(Unit:Million) 2GShare 3GShare 4GShare Out net w sup Pa Jun e perc ship 14.0 mod YT D perc ship 1.2p rele Ch a Pa Jun e accoof the tota l works supp o ported FDD rt 3.Loc a e mobile p h cent year o pments. Nu m 0 percent y e del release i D mobile p h cent year o v pments. Nu m percent yeaase in the d art 2: June 2 rt 4.Dev e e smart ph o ounted for 9l 4G mobile orted, and6 5 LTE, TD-S C al and M N hone ship m over year, a mber of ne w ear over y e n the mont h hone shipm e ver year, a n mber of newr over year , omestic m a 2016 mobil e elopme n one shipme n 94.1percent MN phone shi p 5.7%, 95.2 % CDMA, WC D NC Bran ments by th e accounting w models re ear, and re p h. ents by the nd account e models rel e , representi n arket. e phone s h nt of Sm a nts were 41.of the dom NC Brands7.7% 3 pments this %,62.6%, 5 4 DMA, cdma 2 ds of M o e local bra n for 92.3 p e leased by t h presented 9 4 local brand ed for 88.9 eased by th e ng 95.3per c hipments b y art Phon e 9 million unestic mobil e Lomonth, 63. 7 4.9% of the 2000 netwo obile Ph o nds reache d ercent of t h he local br a 4.2percent o s reached 2 percent of t e local bran d cent of the t y local and es its, up 24.1 e phone shi p ocal Brands92.3%7 percent o4G mobile rk, respecti v ones d 41.1 milli o he domesti c ands(130 un of the total 225.5 millio n the domest i ds (727 uni t total numb e MNC bran d percent ye a pments in t h f which we r phones shi p vely. on units, u p c mobile p h nits)increas e number of n units, up ic mobile p h ts) decreas e er of new m ds ar over year, he month.Ore all pped p22.5 hone ed by new 16.9 hone ed by model and f the 4 total smartphone shipments, 35.9 million units were Android-based. YTD smart phone shipments were 234.8 million units, up 13.0percent year over year, and represented 92.6percent of the YTD domestic mobile phone shipments. Of the total smart phone shipments, 196.8 million units were Android-based. In June, 123 new smart phone models were released, including 81Android smart phones. Number of new smart phones released in the month was up 30.9 percent year over year, and accounted for 89.1 percent of the number of new release. YTD number of new model release reached 654, including 469Android smart phones, up8.5 percent year over year, and represented 85.7 percent of the YTD total number of new model release.

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